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Though we can receive many gifts from Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4), the answer to this witness question will help you to work within the boundaries of your calling and authority as well as pray according to God’s will for someone like you. We often get into trouble not only worldly but spiritually as well, not to mention having to manage unnecessary frustrations when we step outside of God’s will for the gifts and callings He has given us. God has given each of us a specific job. He has many jobs available. While not everyone can do the same job, everyone is an essential worker for the Lord. There is one body but many parts (read 1 Corinthians 12). If we all fight for one position (I have seen this quite a lot with the five-fold ministries): apostle, prophet, teacher, preacher, evangelist (Ephesians 4:11-13) nothing gets done. We also know this famous phrase: “a house divided cannot stand” (read Matthew 12: 22-28). This goes against God’s will for His church (The NIV heading of Ephesians 4: Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ).
-Before I was born, the option to abort me was a very real possibility because my mother was 14 years old when she became pregnant with me.
-Because my mom was young, from the age of 1-2, I essentially grew up with my aunts and uncles. If grandma said not to do something and they did, I would tell on them. Even at a young age I had a very good understanding of right and wrong and would stand firm in that position. Some have called me stubborn. It’s possible they mischaracterized me.
-My grandmother (my mother's mother) tells me that once when she was sick, she did not know how I knew to go grab a bottle of alcohol to pat on her forehead (believed to be some remedy in Jamaican culture), but I did. Even at 2 maybe approaching 3 years old, it was evident I was given a gift to serve others.
-When I was around 3 years old, I choked on a piece of food at the dinner table and at some point, I died. I can give details about what happened in the back seat of the car while my family members rushed me to the hospital. I can tell you that my vantage point was from hovering over my physical body which was face up but lifeless. I spent time in the hospital and hated eggs afterwards because morning after morning until I was released, that's what I was fed. This is a lot of detail for a young child, no?
-Between 3-4 years old I began traveling on my own. I took busses and taxis to visit my father's family where they lived. I am told by family that everyone knew me and would look out for me on my travels.
-I fell off of a wheelbarrow and onto something I can't recall, between 5-6 years old and almost lost my right eye. I still have the scar to prove it.
-Between 6 and 7 years old, I was dealing with situations no child should ever. Generational demons that became mine to fight because I inherited them.
-My life has always been marked by transitions (moving). At 8 years old, I flew on a plane alone to move to America. At 11, I moved to Florida.
-Between the ages of 12 and 19 (middle school, high school, and a year and a half of community college), I partied, I drank, I smoked—I thought I was LIVING.
-Mind you, I was baptized at 15 years old. This changed some things, but against what some people may believe, being baptized did not change everything. God has spent many years taking me through experience after experience to teach me what I know now.
-Between the ages of 19-27 I lived in NYC, Pennsylvania, back in Florida, NY, and back to Pennsylvania right before moving back to Florida in November of 2018.
-Between the ages of 19 and 27 were some of the toughest. Between 27 and now 29, have also been met with significant challenges. This would require a much more in-depth post. I will share as the Lord leads me to. At this time, what I will share is this: in 2019 when my supernatural experiences become more intense, I somehow knew to seek out a church with a prophet because I believed this person would be able to give me some answers as to what was happening to me. Let me make this very clear, I have attended church off and on since I was a very small child, not once did any of my church experiences prepare me for what I went through. This is not a rebuke to the church as a whole. If God saw it fit for me to align earlier in life with a church that could have helped me, it would have happened. Please pray for the Church as a whole and allow God to help you to forgive her.
The church where I began to receive answers had many gifted members as a part of their administrative boards. Until this encounter, I had not ever experienced this kind of order or power move through a church. My very first visit to this church changed my life. Subsequent visits did not disappoint. Each time I was there, so was God. On one of these occasions, I was consoled by a member of this church’s administrative team because y’all, I was bawling. It seemed uncontrollable. I remember the words the prophetess of this church said to me about why I was bawling the way I was, but the life changing revelations did not stop there. The member of this church’s administrative team that I mentioned above who consoled me, we locked eyes and she asked me: “when you tell people things, do they happen? (Remembering telling a friend they would get into the school they were worried they wouldn't get into, this was completely supernatural by the way), I said, “yes”) and kept my eyes peering into this woman's eyes because deep down, I knew I was different and knew even a little, what she was about to tell me, even if I was not ready to hear it because I did not then nor now fully understand how my life would drastically change. I won't share the full details of what she told me, but after she tells me, I fall to the ground as if my knees gave way and she fell to console me. I was torn apart in this moment. As I sobbed, I said to her, "Satan has been trying to kill me for a long time." She then reassured me that he would no longer try to kill me.
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