On 10/8/2020 this is what was being spoken to my spirit a fair part of the night.
It is unusual for me to speak in King James Version (KJV). I find it hard to understand. So, when these words came to me, I knew these specific words were not ones I would have thought up—in my sleep at that. Once I woke up, I also recalled a dream I'd had (I believe this same night) about blue tarps on the floor by the kitchen with grain on it. Ironically enough, the kitchen where food is prepared, right? I saw corn, rice, peas..."stuff like this but dried." I scooped some with my hand with some degree of curiosity and these grains, peas, and kernels fell through my fingers.
Prior to this, I was having dreams of being guided to ripe fruit and eventually I was guided to eating that ripe fruit (10/6/2020). It was the juiciest fruit I had ever eaten.
Actual notes I made when I woke up
"Dream of picking a bunch of fruit and placing them into a plastic container (that appeared out of nowhere). There was a woman who was helping me...kinda like an older aunty age. There was conversation exchanged but nothing I recall except that she was telling me about the fruit.
I recall blackberries (yellow also but they were called white berries, I understood) I ate some of those and they were juicy and delicious—oranges/tangerines so many!!
Then a dream kinda...where I was trying to speak to God/hear from Him. I was constantly thinking of the word God gave me last week (repurpose). Then Ecclesia came to mind like (eureka!). Maybe God is talking about His body/church?"
I believe God is sharing that the harvest is ripe for the picking. To accompany every great move of the Lord, the devil also has his tricks.
Moses (Exodus 1: 6-22; 2: 1-8). The king of Egypt at the time had male Israelite babies killed due to his fear of them becoming the majority population. Moses was one of these baby boys. To save his life, his mother placed him into a basket and into the Nile river. Baby Moses was then found by the sister of pharaoh. So, Moses, an Israelite baby grew to be a boy and man raised by the elites of his time. As many of us know, Moses is the man God later sent to: “…bring My people the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3:10).”
Jesus (Matthew 2: 1-18). Fear of his throne being taken from him, Herod had all male babies under the age of two murdered. Jesus’ earthly father Joseph got Word from the Lord sent through an angel in a dream to warn them to flee, saving His life. This same baby Jesus is the Messiah (Matthew 16:13-20).
Elijah and the remnant. Elijah called down fire from heaven to prove his god to be the God Who answers by fire (1 Kings 18:37-38). He then ordered 450 prophets of Baal (false prophets) to be put to death (1 Kings 18:40). When Jezebel ordered that Elijah be killed, he fled and during this time, the Lord revealed to Elijah that he was not the only prophet of God remaining as: “…I reserved seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him (1 Kings 19:18).”
Similar to the examples I have mentioned that Satan orchestrated, he will continue to and is CURRENTLY doing evil as is his nature. I urge us all to not be surprised when we see and experience uproar like never before, the stuff that breaks your heart to the core if you have one...brings you to your knees, even if you've never prayed a day in your life, true prayers of repentance from desperate hearts. Jesus said: " When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away (Luke 21:9 NIV)." I know this all sounds terrible but as I type this, I am thinking of (Psalm 51:17) which says: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise (KJV).” This is hope that God will hear us when we call out to Him, but hope for when we do what we are supposed to. 2 Chronicles 7:14 was a very big verse for the year 2020. It states: “…if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land (NIV).” During this year, many of us believers understood or made public on various platforms that this is what God requires of us. God's promise of forgiving our sin and healing our land comes AFTER we have TRULY REPENTED for the sin that have gotten us to this place of judgement.
Therefore, if the fruit is indeed ripe, it is possible it is about to be picked (harvested) which means Satan's time is short (Revelation 12:12), he knows it, and he is NOT going without a fight for the souls of those who are lost. BUT here is more hope: in the midst of chaos is GOD ALMIGHTY with a plan for our salvation, Jesus Christ.
The actual phrase "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" appears first in the book of Isaiah (40:3) as a prophecy foretold about Jesus Christ’s ministry. It then appears verbatim in the Gospel according to Matthew (3:3); Mark (1:3); and Luke (3:4). In the Gospel according to John (1:23 NIV): “John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, ‘I am the voice of the one calling in the wilderness’ Make straight the way for the Lord.” John The Baptist says this right as Jesus was to step onto the scene, be baptized by John, and fully engage in His ministry. It has been said that Jesus’ ministry was approximately 3 years long. If this is true, my question is: does this give us a timeline of how soon prophetic words given by God that speak of the second coming of Christ (beginning in the Old Testament) will be fulfilled? I am not sure. I do however, urge you to bring this to God in your prayer time. What I do know is time is a very important factor in the plans of God and we should all pay close attention to timing.
I do not have a challenge to leave you all with for this post. I am calling us all to get our houses in order much like Isaiah to Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:1; 2 Kings 20:1) because I believe great and terrible (simultaneously) things are coming sooner than we anticipate. God is preparing us. Don't miss how He is moving.
How do we Prepare?
1.) Jesus. We must make time for Him in your busy lives. A sacrifice is one that costs us SOMETHING. Take King David to be an example here (2 Samuel 24:24). Right now, I believe time is extremely valuable. With this time, again, we MUST all seek Jesus and follow HIM.
2.) Begin with the Gospel accounts from the bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These have been very helpful to me in starting to know Jesus through His Words, character, and actions. I am sure it will also bless you tremendously.