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I Believe a Separation From God is Coming Soon—an Unprecedented Apostasy

A year or so ago, I was inspired to write a short post on Instagram called "APOSTASIA." On 8/26/2020 to be exact is when it was posted. I received the inspiration prior and held on to it as I prayed for multiple confirmations from the Lord. It then came time to release it. Please refer to it as a timestamp and the content of what is typed. For the past 5 weeks, I have been unable to read my Bible. I went from reading daily to barely touching my Bible. I thought I needed deliverance and sought it! I thought it was something I was causing upon myself. I experienced symptoms of depression. Absolute despair. I was just existing. I repented. I fasted. I spoke to God all night as my body slept (my spirit was awake). I would sing to Him...nothing changed until it was the set time to change. During this experience a friend of mine reminded me about "process." Y'all, I give God thanks for all the souls I cried for in 2019 that will be saved through me, BUT this PROCESS stuff...whew! Scripture tells us of the Prophets of Old who were the message of God. Jeremiah suffered like the people he was sent to help eventually suffered. Isaiah was naked for three years (read Isaiah 20). Ezekiel had to "bear the sin" of Israel for 390 days plus an additional 40 days (read Ezekiel 4). Hosea had to marry a prostitute and have children with her (read Hosea 1). Of course, the burdens of such messengers of God did not end in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul took on a great deal of suffering all for the cause that laid ahead of him. Jesus did say: "I will show Him how much he must suffer for My name (Acts 9:16 NIV)." Being a servant of God is no light work. I love God. I wouldn't choose any other path, even if I suffer. Just like these great servants were God's message to the people He was trying desperately to reach, I have been that message since saying "YES." I've experienced that the message first happens to me, then I see it taking place in the world. So, when I say this, I say it with great grief yet love of The Father Who desires that His children come back to Him. Something changed this past weekend and I have felt slight relief. I thank God for this intermission. What do 5 weeks equate to in God's time? I am not yet sure. I share what I feel led to, what I believe, and allow God to BE GOD over all else outside of my control. The only thing I have control of is whether or not I obey. Furthermore, I don't and won’t have all the pieces to God's puzzles (1 Corinthians 13:9). Although, I am much better now than when I recognized that He was first training me. I don't need to have all of the details. I have learned it is much safer this way. I have heard it said that an apostasy of some sort has always existed and while this may be true, I don't believe God is highlighting a "trickle apostasy" (I made this up). I believe He is communicating that what is coming is unprecedented. I do not know what event or events will cause this. What I do know is this, what I have experienced for the past 5 weeks is a fate worse than death. Because I have been blessed to walk closely with God and get to know Him and love Him, to FEEL the intensity of separation kept me in bed day after day asleep, rather than facing that awake. I'm grateful for God's mercy in this because though He is always with me as He told me, it could have been much worse. My brothers and sisters, “Get ready” prepare “your heart”. What I have placed in quotation marks, I have documented and shared publicly weeks prior. In a dream, the Lord said to me: “Get ready.” When I asked: “what I should get ready for?”, He did not answer. When I changed the question to: “what should I get ready?” (at this time, I was awake seeking the Lord how I have learned to do) I heard, “your heart.” As I type this post, more pieces of this puzzle are being opened up to me. Prepare by spending time with your Father. Make Psalm 91 your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. DO what it instructs: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the Shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1 NIV).” I believe an unprecedented apostasy is coming soon. I don't believe we can stop it. I do believe though, that we can always pray to stay in constant communication with our Father. Pay attention to who else is saying this and PRAY. I am not your final authority neither is that man or woman of God. God is. Lana Vawser made an Instagram post on August 23, 2021 where she shared a screenshot of a YT video done by Paul Keith Davis on August 18, 2021. I'm not sure what led me to watch it, but as I did, I listened to what was coming from his mouth and as soon as it lined up with what I have shared above, I said: "Jeeesus Christ." God still has the ability to leave me almost speechless. I am grateful. This instant awareness is my first sure clue that THIS is of Yahweh. In the mouths of two or three witnesses let everything be established (Deuteronomy 19:15), right? I saved a new video on YT last night because I didn't want to watch it then. It is dated 8/22/21. Instead, I wanted to watch it when I had the time. As I was this video today, the person mentions apostasy in the context of events that must happen prior to the mark of the beast. I cannot make this up even if I tried. I will also not test God on this and end up in disobedience by posting at a later time as opposed to now.

I challenge you to:

1) Seek God

2) Do not stop praying

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