Dec 15, 20212 min

We Didn't End up This Way Overnight. I Didn't Even Like Him.

When my now husband messaged me, we chit chatted because he seemed like a genuine person without a creep nature (much of what some of us have been used to with online platforms). I'm sorry.

Nevertheless, I was a Christian with many opinions about him based on his less than Christian habits. I tended to avoid such men. I would hang up on him at least once a week. When we reconnected, the cycle continued. I did not find his humor funny—it was crude. Now, if you've ever interacted with me in person and know my facial expressions well, it was a constant "stank/confused" one because of this fella. Needless to say, I had no interest in this man other than a friendship—he wasn’t my type and I was committed to keeping him at a distance. Even better, I lived in New York at the time and He was in Alabama. Remember me stating a few sentences ago that I wasn’t exactly a fan of his humor? Somehow, he thought it funny to tell me we are or ask me: "when are we getting married?" I guess the joke is on us both because here we are six years later. Or, maybe the joke is on me because I didn’t believe him.

Despite my feelings towards him and his habits, can I tell you that after a year or so from the time we met, after not understanding what I was sensing, then watching a Joel Osteen sermon called: Stepping into the unknown (I think), I prayed some more (when I didn't even know God the way I do now), and I called this man with this question: "so, you wanna be my man or what?"

I didn't know God was in the business of creating kingdom marriages, generational curse breaking unions. I didn't know that GOD cared enough to have spent the time to orchestrate every single detail of our lives. I didn't know God could write a love story that broke barriers in its mere existence, as He has done with us.

Through all of MY searching, I had no idea God already had my person out there and at that time, still through the most unconventional of means, online, He sent my husband to find his "good thing", his "favor with the Lord"—the one I love and the one who loves me.


1.) Ask yourself: "If God isn't in it, why am I?"

2.) Allow God to write your love story by consulting Him every step of the way. Proverbs 3 will BLESS you.

3.) I don't know what God's path is for you to know Him the way He has REvealed Himself to me, but as you read the Bible, learn about Him, and LIVE, you will experience how true every Word of His is.

Proverbs 18:22 AMP
"He who finds a [true and faithful] wife finds a good thing and obtains favor and approval from the LORD."