Maybe once, sometime last year, and at least once this year, I woke up singing, "Can You Stop the Rain?" by Peabo Bryson. Maybe you can imagine my confusion. I heard this song growing up, but it isn't one of my regulars now at all.
Present Day: My Process...
At 3:16am Sunday morning 7/21/24, I awake singing "Can You Stand the Rain?" by New Edition. Y'all, instantly "rain is coming" came to me. I began cross referencing everywhere the word "rain" is found in Scripture. The Blue Letter Bible app told me 87 times for the KJV. As I read through them, I would get to one and it was as if my intellect would say, "this makes sense," but I was instructed to keep going, keep reading. I got to Ezra 10:9 & 10:13 (both reference rain) and immediately I thought of that time period for them being one of building—building while having to fight. That's what I remember most from this Book if I had to quickly sum it up. With that being said, I KNEW I was not to stop there. I got to Matthew 7:25 & 27 and these just STUCK. I just KNEW.
As I researched, I found that Luke 6:46-49 also references these Words from Jesus.
People of God, just because the rain is coming (I believe this to be a storm affecting many areas of our global societies), does not mean we have to be at a disadvantage here. We have JESUS Who is Our Rock! I then began hearing, "I go to the Rock of my Salvation..." and I thought it was Lashun Price's voice. I went to YouTube and looked her up. It wasn't her. I KNEW what I was hearing didn't sound like the soft traditional Christian music we are accustomed to hearing, so I was still looking, but for someone who sounded Black, to my best understanding. Not just Black, but organ runs, the tambourine, the "Yesss-suh's", you name it! Y'all, if you know, you just know. I know this may sound weird, but this is just the process that I was led through.
Anyhow, I ended up seeing "I go to the Rock" by Bettye Ransom Nelson and Karen Clark Sheard from back in the day! Y'all, that song took me to CHURCH! I felt like I was still missing something, though. After listening, I swiped through and found this video of a woman on the train in NYC singing: "To the Rock," (what this person labeled the video as). When I lived in New York, I heard her sing on the train a few times. She has the most beautiful soul touching voice. The person whose video I saw of her on YouTube also wrote, "woman on train anointed." I agree. All of that to say, THIS was the SONG that I felt bubbling up and I just HAD to get it out (listen to it) and go from there.
Prophetic Times...
I think it interesting that in a time when the prophets are being persecuted for not being "right enough," we have this warning from Jesus to help us discern rightly: "¹⁵ Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. ¹⁶ By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? ¹⁷ Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. ¹⁹ A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. ¹⁹ Every tree that does not bwar good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ²⁰ Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. ²¹ "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven. ²² Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name and in Your name drive out demons and in Your name perform miracles?' ²³ Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers (Matthew 7:15-23 NIV)!'
There is something about that last verse. It is indicative of a relationship with Jesus. When the rain does come, how will you be able to stand firm if not on The Rock? How will we correctly discern evildoers if not by the help of The Holy Spirit? As I'm typing, I just began singing: "all other ground is sinking sand...on Christ the Solid Rock I stand..." This song is: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less (On Christ The Solid Rock). Jesus is our answer. Rain or shine, Jesus is always our ONLY answer.
The Rock was intended to supply the Children of Israel with water in the wilderness (Numbers 20:7-8). Now we have The Living Water reference in the New Testament. "Living" communicates movement, as opposed to a still body of water that accumulates all that falls into it. Without flow, it's a cesspool. However, a water that is living, flows; it cleanses itself. Jesus is the Rock Who provides Living water of which you will drink and thirst no more, as He told the woman at the well (John 4). He provides wisdom that can change everything about your life, with one Word. Daniel 12:3 & 12:10 reminds us that in the End Times, "³ those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever...¹⁰Many will be purified, made spotless, and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand."
Disclaimer: No. I am NOT saying that we are not in the End Times. God hasn't spoken to me about that so I can't speak to you about it. It would be wrong for me to assume anything He hasn't said to me, or maybe just not yet.
The world will not have the solutions for the rain that is coming, but the Church of Jesus Christ, will. Please do not let your hearts be troubled by the context of Daniel 12 with reference to the "End Times." There has been a lot of error-filled teaching on this subject that rather than leading God's people to seeking His wisdom on it and receiving His peace, has developed fear in the hearts of Jesus' Body. I am not sensing, "the end of the world...rapture, take me." I am sensing a change and opportunities for God's people to be victorious in the plan of God to impact many many lives for the Kingdom of Heaven from here in the earth. I am sensing, many who didn't believe or were on the fence, will have no choice but to acknowledge that ONLY THE ROCK has sustained them through the rain.
An Open Vision...
After Reading Daniel 12, I saw a quick flash. Kind of like, instead of someone telling me something for me to understand, a picture came across my vision. It was ants. When it rains, they go to higher ground. This quick flash reminded me of Proverbs 6:7-8. Pay attention to the wisdom of the ants in times of PREparation (forewarning). Take heed, prepare, not just naturally and practically, but also by spending time with Jesus, so when the rain arrives, the foundation you would have already built, would've been on Jesus. This is as secure as it gets no matter how many things we stockpile. I am not against preparing how the Lord tells YOU to. Maybe you'll need more canned goods than others. Only He knows.
My Encouragement to You is...
Get to Know Jesus. If you've made it here and do not know Jesus, just ask Him to reveal Himself to you. The rest, you and Jesus can figure out. He wants the best for you, but God's Word, is still God's Word (Matthew 7:23). Jesus needs to KNOW you, meaning, you need to desire to also know Him through a relationship with Him.
Rain is coming. Go to the Rock.
Psalm 61