I am going through a significant time right now where outside of God, there is no help for me. There is no rescue squad. There is no hope. Absolutely none. I spent most of yesterday just down. Feeling like a lost puppy with no direction to be honest. I told God I felt like a sheep without a shepherd. I also then had to combat how I felt with Scripture. Though I felt this way: “You said You would never leave me nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6). “You said...” and as many verses as came to my mind, I recited. This helped a great deal. I was doing better for a few hours, then came another disappointment regarding the same situation. A girlfriend of mine reminded me not too long ago to "ride the waves." When they are at their peak, I will rejoice. When they are low, I will recite Scripture. “Even though, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me... (Psalm 23:5). I have to constantly remind myself that no matter the situation, it is God's will that I rejoice, pray always, and give thanks—that we all do these things because they please Him (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). The Frustration... It has been most frustrating for me during my walk with the Lord when I've convinced myself I can't hear Him. I've been reminded by saints much more mature and much wiser than I am, that: 1.) God is always speaking; listen 2.) Revisit His last set of instructions
These have been very helpful.
Your Faith is Active. Walk it Out...
Here's what I'm doing in the meantime to remain focused on God's plan as He gives me little clues and not focus on how I feel, or the disappointments that will surely come:
1.) Worship (God told me this a few nights ago as I slept). It is now being applied.
2.) When I catch myself worrying, I am reminded that this is directly tied to my level of faith. It needs a booster: recalling how faithful God has been in the past.
3.) In 2019, I asked the Lord, "why is it so hard for me to not worry?" His response: "Because you don't believe. But you will." Since He said this to me, I am conscious that worrying does not represent me positively to the King of Glory with Whom there are no impossibilities. Call it a jolt to my belief in those moments, but I don't want to disappoint God by worrying. I know He doesn't like it. It is impossible to please Him without faith (Hebrews 11:6).
4.) I go for drives
5.) I thank God for what I currently have
6.) I remind myself that I have prayed for more faith and in order to get there, God has some stuff He has to do in me first: "I prayed for this."
7.) In all of this, I pray and remind God of His Word in general and specifically to me. Sometimes I cry and need to feel held by my Father. In moments like these, I have experienced a weight of comfort that I can only explain feels like a heavy blanket laying over me.
Friends, for whatever it is that you're facing right now, there will never be a better solution than Jesus. When Satan offers things to us, there is always a cost that we cannot repay. The price for His help is too high. I won't lie and tell you he isn't an option. We know satan is an option because he had the ability to offer Jesus the kingdoms of the world then, and he still has that ability now, he just offers it to us. Jesus declined then. We should decline now. (Matthew 4:1-11)
Choosing the narrow way squeezes us—I know. But the benefits far out way where we currently are. Wherever that is, can you honestly say you can afford for be there for much longer? So, look to the Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
Lastly y'all...
You don't always have to know how to do what God has asked you to do. Begin and He will lead. It is only the fear of falling and not being caught that hinders us. God's track record is one hundred percent. He has never lost at anything. He never will.
I challenge you to:
1.) “..take heart..” (John 16:33). The sense I get when I think of how Jesus said these Words, literally as I am typing this post is, He is comforting us through the trials we will face. He is telling us, know that although it may seem or feel or look unbearable or impossible to overcome, you will overcome because I have overcome. 2.) Look at Jesus' life. He will always be the best example of how to fulfill that which has already been predestined for us. 3.) It'll be okay. It may look worse before it ends, but you will be better for it. God’s every desire for us is good (Jeremiah 29:11). You can trust Him. Though I am learning what it means to trust God, I know He’s heard me when I’ve asked Him to help me do just that—trust Him. Hold on to God, He’s got you covered.